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自贡兴川光电有限公司 Zonergy Corporation(以下简称“兴储世纪”)成立于2007年,是全球知名的智能微电网解决方案提供商,是国家级高新技术企业。公司致力于为海内外客户提供一流的智能微电网解决方案,包括风光水储充多能互补与协同的技术研发与产品生产、销售与贸易、工程设计与实施、能源管理与优化。经过多年的发展,公司积累了雄厚的技术实力、丰富的工程经验,形成了一流的技术研发、工程实施和市场开拓团队,全方位保障公司业务的开展,市场遍布国内的大部分区域以及海外的“一带一路”沿线国家和欧洲市场,为客户提供最佳的解决方案和服务。Zonergy Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Zonergy"), a world-renowned integrated smart microgrid solution provider, is a national level high-tech enterprise founded in 2007. Zonergy is committed to offering the top-ranking integrated smart microgrid solutions for customers at home and abroad, including technology research & development and production, sales and trade, engineering design and implementation, energy management and optimization for multi-energy complementary and coordination of wind, solar, hydro, storage and charging. Through years of development, the Company has accumulated strong technical strength and rich engineering experience. It has been home to first-class technical research and development, engineering implementation and market development team, which can guarantee the business development in an all-round manner. Its market is spread over most of the regions in China and overseas countries along the "Belt and Road" and European countries, so that it can provide customers with the best solutions and services.
· 太阳能系统
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